Hardy Machine was featured on Manufacturing Marvels. Watch Now

Hardy Machine was featured on MWN Industry Insights. Watch Now

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The use of this site is governed by the policies, terms, and conditions set forth below (“Terms and Conditions of Use”). Please read them carefully. 您使用本网站即表示您接受这些使用条款和条件. 您向哈代机械有限责任公司提交的任何个人信息表示接受这些使用条款和条件. 这些使用条款和条件将取代本网站所包含的任何后续条款或条件, whether or not such terms or conditions are signed by Hardy Machine LLC. Hardy Machine LLC保留在任何时候对本网站和这些使用条款和条件进行更改的权利.

Copyright and Trademark Notices

All contents and graphics on this site are copyrights of Hardy Machine LLC, except where noted, and the related logos are trademarks of Hardy Machine LLC. 此处提及的其他产品和公司名称可能是其各自所有者的商标或商号.

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THE INFORMATION, MATERIALS, 本网站包含的服务和产品可能包含不准确或印刷错误. HARDY MACHINE LLC MAY MAKE CHANGES OR IMPROVEMENTS TO THIS SITE AT ANY TIME. 本网站的资料均按“原样”提供,不作任何形式的明示或暗示的保证, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE PURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAW, 威尼斯人在线官网有限责任公司拒绝所有保证或适销性和适合于特定目的. Hardy machine LLC不保证本网站上的材料中包含的威尼斯官网在线将不间断或无错误, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, 或者本网站或使其可用的服务器没有病毒或其他有害组件. Hardy machine LLC不保证对本网站材料的使用或使用结果的正确性作出任何陈述, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, TIMELINESS, OR OTHERWISE.

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You agree to indemnify and hold Hardy Machine LLC, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives harmless from all claims, liabilities, damages, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and expenses) arising out of or relating to (a) your use of this website; and (b) any alleged breach of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Limited License

This website is for your personal and noncommercial use. Except as otherwise expressly provided, you may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, use, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer or sell any information or content contained in the system, Hardy Machine LLC website as a whole software, 从本系统获得或作为本系统的一部分或与本系统一起提供的产品或服务. You are granted a non-exclusive, 仅在本使用条款和条件下使用本系统的不可转让和不可转让许可.

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本网站由美利坚合众国宾夕法尼亚州的哈迪机器有限责任公司运营. Hardy Machine LLC不表示本网站的材料适合或可用于其他地方. If you access this site from other locations, 您这样做是出于您自己的主动,并有责任遵守当地法律, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.

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Given the nature of these terms, you understand and agree that, in addition to money damages, 如果你违反了这些条款,威尼斯人在线官网有限责任公司将有权获得衡平法上的救济.



Survival of Provisions

使用条款和条件的每一项规定应被解释为单独适用并继续有效,即使由于任何原因,其中一项或另一项规定在任何情况下被认为不适用或不可执行. 如果主管法院认为这些使用条款和条件完全不可执行,则根据双方的相互意图,这些条款和条件应可分割并在其可执行性范围内进行解释.

Entire Agreement

我们打算这些使用条款和条件构成威尼斯人在线官网有限责任公司和您之间的完整协议. Hardy Machine LLC和您之间对这些使用条款和条件的任何变更必须以书面形式进行,并由双方签署.